Thursday, May 20, 2010

Editorial about Random Drug Testing

In these times we are used to hear about the drug effects on a human´s organism. Long time ago it was natural to consume drugs but because of the lack of technology; indeed communication. There was and there is a large amount of young people that think it´s normal addiction. It´s not something that happens only to adolescents, but also older people, even athletes. Usually, someone things athletes are the wealthiest people in the world, but it suddenly appears to be that pressure from races, from couches, can cause psychological problems. They always have in mind they have to win because their future depends on the place they get to, so this can drive them to consume drugs. But also because of wanting to beat someone, athletes can use different substances that in some Cases can be considered drugs, because they are not coming naturally from the human body. So to prevent these situations, cooperatives has decided to reinforced systems and applied them to the society, just like the rule known as the Random Drug Testing.

Before Olympic Games there are always cases of someone found with during their blood and urine. It´s tough to play sports every day of their life for hours and pressure surrounding their minds per day. To win a race and athlete would like to consume a little rug to be stronger than other participants. And for that reason, random drug testing is created because it´s not fair to have an athlete more powerful than another one caused by an artificial element that can be very dangerous for the organism. Random drug testing doesn´t mean to get in the private life of an athlete, it´s made for fairness and health. If athletes want to be role models they shouldn´t consume drug, because others that admire them will do the same thing. It´s like a cycle, so that´s why this testing´s are created; to stop before something terrible can occur.

Random drug testing is used by many institutions around the world, because they recognize it is healthy for the population. For athletes, random drug testing should occur so that no one is in danger. Part of life is to be fair, and sports made people come together, so unfairness shouldn´t be produced on these groups of people. This try outs will decrease the use of drugs for athletes, which is excellent because these substances can kill someone. If people think random drug testing is going against the privacy of the athlete or making him feel guilty, this can earn lots of uncomfortable situations around the world; like controversial and death.

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